QLD E-Forum: Online Community of Practice Meetup - June

An opportunity to meet, share, learn and collaborate with other members!

Queensland CDAA member Natalie Moloney will join our June session to share about her work in private practice. She'll be discussing the journey of starting a private practice, strategies she has utilised to attract clients and different work opportunities and discuss her cohort of clients which include women returning to the workforce.

Natalie is a qualified Career Practitioner, supported by a solid background in human resource management generalist roles across varying industries. She is driven by a desire to help others to become the happiest and most fulfilled version of themselves, and understands the important role that our career journey plays in this.

Group discussion will then focus on working in private practice, and how to diversify work opportunities and attract clients.

The Queensland CDAA Community of Practice is proving to be a fantastic “community hall” style of networking and learning for members. This online meetup is a regular (and growing) monthly event for members to gather online together, connect, and build a community of practice. 

This June event is open to all Queensland CDAA members and any interstate members who would like to drop by to say hello and join us. This is a FREE event. Attendees are encouraged to actively participate in sharing ideas and to join in collaborative discussion. See you there!

Please note: This is a member only event

CPD Points: 1 Hour
CPD Competency: Communication and Interpersonal Skills

3/06/2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
E. Australia Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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