VIC E-Forum: Community of Practice - May

Whether you are in private practice or working within an organisation, there are many ways to showcase your CDAA Membership on LinkedIn and improve your own understanding of the platform and how it can be used as a tool in your career development toolkit.

Sue Ellson PCDAA, a CDAA member since 2015, and LinkedIn expert will provide a fresh update on the LinkedIn tips that matter to career specialists!

Sue has her finger on the pulse of the latest changes, updates, and tips on LinkedIn and updates her content for every session. As always, Sue will provide comprehensive slides and resources you can use as you wish.

As part of National Careers Week, Sue is also running a free webinar on 'LinkedIn for Career Results' on Wednesday, 8 May at 12pm.

As always, this community of practice is free and open to CDAA members all over Australia and CDANZ members. 

Please note: This is a member only event

CPD Points: 1 Hour
CPD Competency: Technology, Information and Resources

21/05/2024 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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