Career Coaching For All Ages & Stages

Career Coaching For All Ages & Stages
Webinar Recordings - Recorded in June 2024
CPD Competency - Professional Practice Application

Would you like to find all the career advice you have ever given in one place? How often do you take your own advice and apply it to your career? Have you often dreamed of writing a fabulous career book if only you had the time?

Larrie Winzar has managed to do all of the above with the publication of her book “Bliss…Living with passion and purpose”.

In this webinar, she packages 35 years of coaching experience into 60 minutes and takes you on a journey to uncover what is meaningful in your own career as well as sharing advice that will benefit your professional practice.

Larrie has written hundreds of published articles and has spoken at many conferences and seminars. In this webinar, learn about:

- Reassessing your career - is there something more
- How to become “unstuck”
- Planning “What’s next” in your own career stages
- Self coaching tools to overcome self doubt, sabotage and blind spots

“Bliss…Living with passion and purpose” is a perfect addition to the toolbox of contemporary career practitioners to use with your clients, and for your own career development.

Larrie is donating all profits from "Bliss" to Rotary projects that enhance the lives of disadvantaged women and girls locally, regionally and globally.'
Discounted member price: 25.00
You could save: 37.5%