VIC E-Forum: Community of Practice - September

As Career Practitioners, we are often so busy caring for our clients, children, family, and friends that we can neglect to look after ourselves.

The rates of compassion fatigue and burnout are high amongst caring professions and as Career Practitioners that includes us too.

In this Community of Practice, we will look at some self-care strategies, tools, and techniques we can use to restore balance, avoid compassion fatigue, and prevent burnout.

As always, this Community of Practice is open to CDAA members across Australia and our international affiliates e.g. CDANZ. 

Please note: This is a member only event

CPD Points: 1 Hour
CPD Competency: Professional Practice Application

17/09/2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Sign in or create an account to register
Registration ends 17/09/2024 12:00 PM AUSEST

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