CDAA Awards for Excellence

Nominations for the 2024 CDAA Awards for Excellence are now closed!

CDAA’s vision is a career development profession recognised for excellence and valued by all Australians. One significant way we recognise this work is through our CDAA Awards for Excellence program, which was launched in 2013 as part of the Association's Framework for Excellence.

The Association is proud to continue its National Awards Program to celebrate the achievements of the career development profession. This year's recipients will be announced at the 2024 CDAA Conference.

Designed to highlight outstanding achievements in the career development profession, the CDAA Awards for Excellence program consists of 4 award categories:

Leadership Pillar


Policy Pillar

Excellence in Leadership
Excellence in influencing the development of our profession or association


Excellence in Policy
Excellence in advocacy of career development policy within the communities we serve

 Research Pillar


Practice Pillar 

Excellence in Research
Excellence in creation and communications of new knowledge in career development

Excellence in Practice
Excellence in the design and delivery of career development programs or services 


The CDAA Excellence Awards are based on of the four categories of excellence:


For members of the CDAA, excellence is defined in four categories. Two categories are “inward” focused: with the key beneficiaries being the profession and the CDAA itself. Two categories are “outward” focused: with the key beneficiaries being our clients, constituents, and stakeholders.